As part of the CoLab’s Jump Start program, director Robin DeRosa talks briefly about course structures to consider for spring 2021. She also provides an orientation to the week of […]
Hear from a large panel of Plymouth State faculty and staff about what it’s like to teach when you have a disability. Learn about their challenges and insights, listen to […]
Place-Based Education (PBE), so named by David Sobel, is a unique teaching technique that has been developing within the educational community. More than ever, teachers are looking to provide students […]
How can our course designs and teaching practices evolve to respond proactively and effectively to social demands for equity and inclusion? Explore these resources from an October 2020 CoLab hosted […]
Lots of faculty are trying new things in their teaching as we navigate COVID. From using Zoom more, to teaching online and f2f students simultaneously, to developing ways to connect with asynchronous […]
Plagued by empty/black boxes in your Zoom classrooms? This short presentation provides some background and ideas about how to creatively approach the Black Box Dilemma. For links and info, visit […]
How to make Zoom breakout groups less boring. This is a list of ideas crowdsourced from Twitter. For all links and info, visit the slide deck! Slide Deck
CoLab faculty and staff host a panel discussion about “rigor” in higher education: what is it, what does it mean, how do we enact it or push against it? Video […]
This resource was designed specifically for Plymouth State faculty who are concerned about academic integrity in online assessment. While the CoLab generally suggests rethinking assessment to eliminate the need for […]
Hannah walks through the process of adding a Zoom room tab to a Microsoft Teams. This might be helpful if you are planning on using Teams in your classes in […]