SLC Spring 2020 Supervisor Approval Form

The Staff Learning Community is an emergent, community-driven initiative established to improve the culture and processes at PSU. Our goal is to provide the space and structure for staff to cultivate an empowered community and engage in university projects. At January Jamboree 2020, many staff members came together to propose project ideas. We were energized by the passion and excitement that they brought to these proposals.  

The SLC Leadership Group has sorted and prioritized the proposed projects. You are being contacted because a staff member that you supervise has signed up for one of these projects. Your approval is requested in order to ensure transparency and ease of involvement for staff.  

The staff member will spend up to one hour per week during work hours on this project; there are flexible opportunities to complete this work in both face-to-face meetings and/or online work on Teams in order to accommodate your office’s needs. The Staff Learning Community is organized by the Open Learning & Teaching Collaborative. Any concerns or questions can be brought directly to CoLab Director, Dr. Robin DeRosa, or the SLC CoLab Liaison, Hannah Hounsell. You may also rescind your approval for this participation anytime by contacting Robin. 

Transitional Documentation Project

This project focuses on capturing and preserving valuable knowledge that is currently lost when employees leave positions at PSU, either because they are taking a different position within the university or because they are leaving the institution. During a Jan Jam Unconference session, SLC members identified a phased approach to this project. Phase 1, which will take place this spring, will explore approaches that might be implemented quickly to capture information when faculty and staff announce they will vacate a position. What do they do that other people don’t know about? What do they know about why specific policies and procedures were implemented in their area? Phase 2, which will be explored at a later date, will attempt to identify positions that have critical responsibilities and capture information proactively, while incumbents are still in place. Phase 3, which proposes systematic, proactive documentation of critical information needed to transition all positions on campus, will be fleshed out further after phases 1 and 2 are complete.

Project Duration: March 9-June 30, 2020 

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