Plymouth State Associate Provost Pat Cantor will share some remarks with faculty reflecting on the past semester and wishing you well as you launch into your spring course preps.
While online learning often gets framed as less social than f2f sessions, the internet actually offers possibilities for building connections among learners and across student/faculty boundaries. This session explores how […]
You are a busy person! In this quick session, Robin uses the “Rule of 2’s” to highlight a short list of things to consider as you design spring courses […]
A presentation by Jason Neenos for those who are getting started with Canvas this spring during the pilot, or who will be converting with the major PSU adoption in Summer/Fall […]
Short instructional videos can connect, engage, and inspire — but in many courses the most common use of short video is to explain. This session will introduce faculty to some of […]
Sometimes it’s the simple things that can make a big difference. The CoLab will introduce you to a few templates for planning out resources, activities, and tech preparation for individual […]
Through collaboration, low stakes/entry digital tools, and active learning exercises there are many ways to transform f2f assignments into online assignments. Using small adjustments this presentation will focus on strategies […]
Nic Helms (PSU faculty) will present ideas about how student and faculty fatigue are affecting our educational environments during the pandemic, and offer ideas for how we can mitigate these […]
Jason Neenos (Teaching & Learning Technologies) and Melissa Christensen (Director of Instiutional Effectiveness) present this workshop on how to create clear, effective, and engaging courses using the Learning Management System […]
While Covid19 didn’t create the current challenges that are facing our classrooms it has brought the conversation to the fore. This presentation will look at the new reality for students […]