
As we explore new ways of thinking about grading, many of us are interested in creating opportunities for students to assess themselves and reflect upon their own learning . During […]

Whether you teach face to face in person, virtually synchronous, or asynchronously, your students will interact with your course digitally. Prompted by PSU student feedback, this session for faculty discusses […]

Drawing on Moral Foundations Theory, PSU Librarian Mike Davidson created this exercise to help students practice Integrated Perspective, to engage in hands-on social science, and, perhaps, even to lessen the […]

In this session Kayla Gaudette previews the systems such as Moodle, Sharepoint, and Teams site that support her hy-flex course design and then facilitates an activity all in the same […]

When a class is discussion-based, it is critical that students do the reading assignments ahead of time. How can we ensure that students completed the reading and assign points to […]

Learn best practices for using streaming video in your classes this spring! Librarian Alice Pearman and Learning & Teaching Developer Martha Burtis will provide a review of the various sources […]

During January Jamboree 21, Denise Hutchins, Scott Mantie, and Lisa Perras led two session on Project Management. The first focused on an introduction to project management; the second focussed on […]

Do you want to know a little more about the different ways in which tablets can be used in your teaching? Plymouth State University professor Lourdes Aviles has been using […]

Authentic assessments ask students to apply their learning to new situations. It is often contrasted with conventional test assessments and can be described as “messy and complex.” This session will […]

Plymouth State Associate Provost Pat Cantor will share some remarks with faculty reflecting on the past semester and wishing you well as you launch into your spring course preps.  

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