Lightning Talks

The CPLC is going to invite seven people to give short, ten-minute talks this spring about the future of PSU. We will be inviting the president (Don), the Office of Academic Affairs (Ann or Pat, at their discretion), and the Vice President Communications, Enrollment & Student Life (Marlin) to participate, but we would like to select four other members of the community to prepare talks as well (or more if any of the first three we contact decline the invitation). While we are still honing the parameters for the talks, participants will be asked (something like) to focus on the vision for PSU’s future as they see it and the 3-5 immediate and practical steps PSU could take to move in that direction. Who would you like to hear from? We will take the most popular responses and issue invitations, and do our best to create an interesting program helpful to PSU’s path. Each ten-minute talk will be followed by a short 15-minute group chat about the key takeaways. These are designed to be conversation-starters and practical tips for possible action you could take into your university service, daily workflows, and curricular design work.

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