Staff Learning Community Professional Development Kick-Off: (Live Virtual Event)


Lee Skallerup Bessette’s article on the Chronicle of Higher Education, “The Staff Are Not OK” went viral this last fall and for good reason. Staff have been greatly affected by the changes in our universities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the national focus has been largely on educators and students. During our kick-off session, we will talk about staff wellness in the […]

Staff Strengths Showcase (Asynchronous)


From March 2nd - March 9th, staff members are invited to post short video explanations on FlipGrid showcasing their strengths, wins, and ideas. No matter our position, we have something helpful to share with the community—whether you have a project management tool you really like or have a tried-and-true technique for running effective team meetings […]

Own Your Professional Development (Asynchronous)


From March 10th to March 17th, in an asynchronous discussion on Teams, we will identify areas within our work content, space, and day where we can self-direct our own professional development. This rich discussion will help establish a community of practice among our staff and bring professional development right to our desks on our own […]

Human Resources Presentation: Employee Assistance Program (Live Virtual Event)


A representative from PSU's Human Resources team will be presenting an informational session on staff wellness during COVID and the benefits of the Employee Assistance Program. For registration and join information, navigate to The password has been sent to your PSU email. If you need help contact

[Insert Your Job Here] Is Teaching! (Live Virtual Event)


When we take on the mind of a teacher, our positions and the reach of our impact begins to transform! Join us in this session where we will talk about our strengths, the areas of need around us, and how our perceptions of our roles as staff members can empower us. For registration and join […]

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