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How can our course designs and teaching practices evolve to respond proactively and effectively to social demands for equity and inclusion? We’ll jump straight into a difficult conversation, but come out with inclusive practices that you can implement regardless of your course and discipline! In this interactive workshop, we will collectively contribute to addressing tough questions and co-creating answers, suggestions, tips, and resources. Open to the Plymouth State Community. To request the Zoom link for this event, fill out the form below.

Your Facilitators:

Suzanne M Gaulocher PhD, MPH (she/her/hers) Assistant Professor of Public Health & Associate Director, Center for Healthy Communities, Plymouth State University; Suzanne holds a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin – Madison where she was a part of the Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment focusing on the overlap of human and environmental health. Her research and teaching centers around the intersection between human health and the environment with a focus on community engagement, social justice, and health equity.  
John Martin PhD (he/him/his)  Active Teaching Program Manager, UW-Madison DoIT Academic Technology; John currently teaches and develops socioculturally-rich teaching and learning practices at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His doctoral research in Curriculum and Instruction broadly considered the learning affordances of video games, and specifically focused on learner-designed place-based mobile games. Drawing on a background and interest in technology, art, writing, and outdoor education, and a commitment to environmental and social sustainability, John investigates tools of inquiry and expression that promote a greater understanding and appreciation of the social and physical space(s) we inhabit.

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