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Please join faculty colleagues for an open discussion about the cluster initiative. Conversations across the CPLC, Steering Committee, and some clusters have generated enthusiasm for working to settle processes, structures, and roles so we can turn more fully to curriculum, projects, and teaching. Visit to share your perspective and catch up with others in the first faculty-focused discussion of the initiative for some time. The Plymouth Union Caucus (a consortium of all three campus faculty unions) has asked the CoLab to organize and host this event. The CoLab welcomes all faculty of any rank to participate. We especially encourage people new to the conversation and those who have been playing (or have played) a leadership role in any cluster or cluster activity to attend. We will begin with a brief review of several new ideas that are circulating in faculty groups, and then turn to a discussion of the current strengths and challenges of the cluster initiative. We will end with action items focused on next steps that we can take to make progress with clusters and focus faculty more coherently on our work of curriculum design, teaching, and scholarship.

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