Applying the ACE Framework: An instructor shares her course design
My name is Kayla Gaudette and I teach Tackling a Wicked Problem (TWP): Pandemics at Plymouth State University (PSU). This is a project based first year seminar that incorporates the
My name is Kayla Gaudette and I teach Tackling a Wicked Problem (TWP): Pandemics at Plymouth State University (PSU). This is a project based first year seminar that incorporates the
The Open CoLab is pleased to announce a 4-week workshop based on the ACE Framework. The Framework, which we published earlier this spring, is designed to help faculty and institutions plan
Here at the Open Learning & Teaching Collaborative at Plymouth State, we have been working hard to support faculty– both at our own institution and more broadly in institutions of
The ACE Framework, developed by the staff at the Open CoLab, was featured in this Inside Higher Edarticle by CoLab Director, Robin DeRosa: As most colleges and universities in the
We are adding regularly to our page to help faculty transition their classes to remote instruction during COVID19. Check out what we have for you!
Fall 2024
Monday – Thursday: 8:30-4:30, in-person or virtual
Wednesday: Additional in-person hours from 4:30-6:00
Friday: 8:30-4:30, virtual