While online learning often gets framed as less social than f2f sessions, the internet actually offers possibilities for building connections among learners and across student/faculty boundaries. This session explores how that can happen, spaces for supporting it, and also reasons why it may not work optimally during the pandemic. We’ll look at issues of connection and access, as well as ways UDL can be used to support connection in online classes.

Video Highlights
We’ve bookmarked selected highlights from Bonnie’s presentation so that you can focus on those topics that are most immediately relevant to your course preparation. (Of course, we also recommend that you find the time at some point to watch ALL of Bonnie’s presentation!)
Cognitive, Teaching, Social Presence
Setting Clear Expectations
Inviting Feedback
Giving Feedback
On Tech Failure
Many-to-Many Communications
Anonymous Student Contributions
Discussion Forums
Discussion Forums
Informal, “Water-Cooler” Spaces
Cutting Back During Emergency Remote Teaching
The SEE Framework
Equity and Tech Surveillance
Universal Design and Multiple Means
Feedback Videos to Guide Students
Alternative Means of Showing Learning
Reframe Rubrics