In Spring 2020, the CoLab will launch a new faculty mentorship and development program, the CoLab Faculty Affiliates (CoFAs). This program is one part of a comprehensive effort on the part of the CoLab to build a sustainable community-oriented professional development model to support the campus after grant funding for the Cluster Pedagogy Learning Community comes to an end. CoFAs will be the core CoLab affiliates focused on faculty development, and will work closely with the CoLab staff to orient the campus to Cluster Learning, support individual faculty members as they innovate around pedagogy, and share emerging practices and ideas about education with PSU and our wider publics.
Interested in Applying for the Inaugural CoFA Cohort?
Experienced faculty may apply to become CoFAs, serving as mentor/coordinators for a small group of their peers (2-3 faculty members). For Fall 2020, newer faculty or those just looking for an opportunity to work closely with other faculty in a peer-support model will be able to apply to be matched with CoFAs. During the Spring 2020 term, this first CoFA cohort will work closely with staff in the CoLab to define and develop the program, including developing the call for faculty who wish to be matched with a CoFA.
During the 2020-21 academic year, CoFAs will provide feedback, advice, and further orientation for their assigned partners. Teams will meet throughout the academic year. The activity of each team will be coordinated and customized by the CoFA, who will have access to a small budget to support food and supplies for meetings. Both CoFAs and their assigned faculty will receive a modest monetary honorarium for the labor they put into the partnership. APPLICATION DEADLINE for CoFAs IS JANUARY 24th at 9pm.
CoFA Mentee Applications Coming This Summer: For Fall 2020, newer faculty or those just looking for an opportunity to work closely with other faculty in a peer-support model will be able to apply to be matched with CoFAs. Look for this call for application in Summer 2020.
Expectations for CoFAs
- Work in the CoLab for 3 hours a week (beginning Spring 2020 through Spring 2021), for a combination of meetings, consulting hours, and project work
- Participate in New Faculty Orientation in August 2020
- Keep open lines of communication with CoLab over Summer 2020
- Present an event in the CoLab (workshop, Fast Blast, panel discussion) related to your area of pedagogical expertise or interest
- Attend other CoLab programs & events as availability permits
In addition, the work of this first cohort of CoFAs in Spring 2020 will include assisting CoLab staff with the design and development of the mentor/mentee program with a focus on transitioning professional development of faculty from the grant-funded CPLC to a permanent, operational structure.
Requirements for CoFAs
- Willingness to engage and learn more about online and digital environments for teaching and learning;
- Interest in Cluster Learning (open education, interdisciplinarity, and project-based learning) as it is emerging at PSU;
- Embody a collaborative and generous approach to work with faculty colleagues;
- Commitment to publicly presenting and sharing your experiences and expertise to audiences at PSU and beyond.
Stipends for CoFAs
- $1000 to cover work over Spring-Summer 2020, and
- FY21 stipends TBD (likely $500/semester)
Link to Application