A pair of hands cradles some live oysters.

Opportunities at the CoLab

The world is your oyster

There are a number of opportunities available here at the CoLab for faculty and staff at Plymouth State. I thought it might help to have some of them laid out in one place so you can browse, and think about what might be a good match for you as you engage with our learning community. Don’t hesitate to be in touch with the CoLab if you want to discuss these opportunities!

Cluster Pedagogy Learning Community

The next CPLC will launch in May, and all faculty and staff are welcome to apply. There will be three tracks again: a track for those teaching “Tackling a Wicked Problem” next year; a track for those working on an Open Education project; and a main track for those who just want to be part of the learning. You are welcome to repeat the CPLC experience if you switch to a new track. Watch your email in March for information about applications. (Stipended)

OER Adoption and Review Grants

These are grants that compensate you for the time in takes to 1) adopt an open textbook to replace a commercial textbook, or 2) review the open textbook of your choice. Click here for more information.

Envision 2030 USNH Wikipedia Project

As a specially selected USNH wiki scholar participating in this training, you will learn how to create and/or add reliable, up-to-date research to existing Wikipedia articles related to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, a global approach to a more inclusive and sustainable world. You can cite publications that you and your colleagues have authored when appropriate, adding citations to Wikipedia and increasing the visibility and reach of your work and our institutions. In the final weeks of the 10-week Spring 2020 course, you will work with the guidance of Wiki Education’s staff to build a Wikipedia assignment into at least one course you are teaching in Academic Year 2020–21. ($1000 course fee paid on your behalf by the CoLab.) Click here for more information.

CoLab Faculty Affiliates (CoFA)

In Spring 2019, the CoLab will be launching a new faculty mentorship and development program, the CoLab Faculty Affiliates (CoFAs). Experienced faculty will be able to apply to serve as CoFAs, serving as mentor/coordinators for a small group of their peers (2-3 faculty members). Newer faculty (or those just looking for an opportunity to work closely with other faculty in a peer-support model), will be matched with CoFAs. CoFAs will provide feedback, advice, and further orientation for their assigned partners. CoFA teams will meet throughout the spring semester and over the summer. The activity of each team will be coordinated and customized by the CoFA, who will have access to a small budget to support food and supplies for meetings. (Stipended. Faculty who are assigned to CoFA mentors will also receive a smaller stipend for their participation.) Click here for info and to apply.

The Ambassador for Career Education (ACE) Pilot Program

The Career Development Office, in collaboration with the Open CoLab, is launching an initiative to provide faculty and staff with resources, informed practices, and knowledge in incorporating career readiness into their curriculum. The Ambassador for Career Education (ACE) pilot program is a semester-long initiative led by Katie Gaebel meant to complement existing efforts faculty and staff are making around career conversations. This mostly-online program will provide participants with an understanding of current models in career readiness, space to ideate and innovate new curricular designs that cross disciplines, and engage employers in opportunities to co-create student-centered experiences. Participants can expect:

  • Four in-person meetings during Spring 2020 (initial meeting Friday, January 31st)
  • Access to online career-readiness resources
  • Culminating employer trek experience customized for your students
  • Feedback and guidance in integrating career-readiness into curriculum
  • $200 stipend

The ACE Program is limited to eight faculty and staff participants. Applications open December 1st

Events in the CoLab

We have MANY events here in the CoLab and they are almost all open to everyone. Please join your colleagues in being a part of these events, where PSU faculty, staff, and students share their expertise and ideas with our community. Our events are generated from PSU folks who are doing something that’s transformed their practice for the better or who are excited about new approaches they are considering; we depend on YOU to contact us when you have something that you think might form the foundation of a great event. Please check our schedule, plan to attend events monthly if you can, and contact us if you have the seed of an idea of something you could share. Thanks to Emma Wright, Howard Frederick, Kristin Stelmok, Jess Chretien, Adam Keul, Mark Fischler, Sue Sabella, Hannah Davidson, Eric Spieth, Abby Goode, John Krueckeberg, Cathie LeBlanc, Christin Wixson, Erika Rydberg, Deb Brownstein, and many others for offering events so far. And thanks to those of you who have been showing up to support our presenters, which does not go unappreciated, I promise you! Click here for schedule.

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