My most profound moment as a student was my graduation day from Plymouth State on May 11th, 2024. I looked around the room at my class sitting around me, all of us waiting to cross the stage. As I was looking around I realized how many people I didn’t actually… Read more »
So interesting to realize that your college experience is such a huge life-changing experience but also just a small part of a much larger journey– love this!
“My most profound experience as a student was realizing how little being a student meant in the great journey of life, and how important it is to take in what’s around you, build relationships and connections that can lead you into your career, or walk you down your next path… Read more »
My most profound experience as a student was actually in two of my classes last semester. I took Teaching Theories and Methods and Natural History, both part of the adventure education department’s catalog. These classes helped me realize how much I love to teach and what content I want to… Read more »
Makes me wonder– is it important for a teacher to love what they teach? Is it important for a teacher to love WHO they teach? Both? Neither?
6 months ago
I’ve had a fair amount of moments as a student that I’d consider profound, so the one I’m choosing to talk about today is the first. I was here for my orientation, overwhelmed and anxious with all that was going on, and I got to Lamson Library to meet someone… Read more »
The power of care and connection! In the CoLab, we talk A LOT with faculty about how we can support students’ “sense of belonging” in college. There’s lots of good research out there that suggests that we learn better when we feel like we belong! I wonder what kinds of… Read more »
I suppose a profound experience for me as a student was a moment where I could use all the communication skills I’d been acquiring throughout high school in English and history classes and articulate my (controversial in this group of people) views on sexism and homophobia in a certain episode… Read more »
My most profound experience as a student would be my first day of college. This was because I realized how different it was to high school. I also was starting to see why we only have class one or two times a week because the mass amount of learning that… Read more »
One of the most profound experiences I had when I was a student was when I realized that even though I had a learning disability I could learn whatever I wanted to. There were a couple of moments this happened in high school But I’ll stay the one that stood… Read more »
My most profound experience as a student was when I was in 8th grade and my teacher dressed up as a zombie because we were learning about the first 13 states and we had to decide if there was a zombie apocalypse, where would we live. It was so weird… Read more »
My most profound experience as a student was when I did online school my freshman year and then having to do it during covid. My freshman year was before covid and it was through a program that was in Texas because that was when I still lived there. I hated… Read more »
My PSU journey has been very interesting and full of ups and downs! After a horrible PSU orientation day, I started out kind of lost but was directed to the CoLab and our IDS program which gave me direction and hope. With my health struggles, there’s certainly been a lot… Read more »
My most profound moment as a student was my graduation day from Plymouth State on May 11th, 2024. I looked around the room at my class sitting around me, all of us waiting to cross the stage. As I was looking around I realized how many people I didn’t actually… Read more »
So interesting to realize that your college experience is such a huge life-changing experience but also just a small part of a much larger journey– love this!
“My most profound experience as a student was realizing how little being a student meant in the great journey of life, and how important it is to take in what’s around you, build relationships and connections that can lead you into your career, or walk you down your next path… Read more »
My most profound experience as a student was actually in two of my classes last semester. I took Teaching Theories and Methods and Natural History, both part of the adventure education department’s catalog. These classes helped me realize how much I love to teach and what content I want to… Read more »
Makes me wonder– is it important for a teacher to love what they teach? Is it important for a teacher to love WHO they teach? Both? Neither?
I’ve had a fair amount of moments as a student that I’d consider profound, so the one I’m choosing to talk about today is the first. I was here for my orientation, overwhelmed and anxious with all that was going on, and I got to Lamson Library to meet someone… Read more »
The power of care and connection! In the CoLab, we talk A LOT with faculty about how we can support students’ “sense of belonging” in college. There’s lots of good research out there that suggests that we learn better when we feel like we belong! I wonder what kinds of… Read more »
I suppose a profound experience for me as a student was a moment where I could use all the communication skills I’d been acquiring throughout high school in English and history classes and articulate my (controversial in this group of people) views on sexism and homophobia in a certain episode… Read more »
My most profound experience as a student would be my first day of college. This was because I realized how different it was to high school. I also was starting to see why we only have class one or two times a week because the mass amount of learning that… Read more »
I love your observation that learning happens all the time in college (not just in the classroom). Can you expand on that?
One of the most profound experiences I had when I was a student was when I realized that even though I had a learning disability I could learn whatever I wanted to. There were a couple of moments this happened in high school But I’ll stay the one that stood… Read more »
My most profound experience as a student was when I was in 8th grade and my teacher dressed up as a zombie because we were learning about the first 13 states and we had to decide if there was a zombie apocalypse, where would we live. It was so weird… Read more »
My most profound experience as a student was when I did online school my freshman year and then having to do it during covid. My freshman year was before covid and it was through a program that was in Texas because that was when I still lived there. I hated… Read more »
My PSU journey has been very interesting and full of ups and downs! After a horrible PSU orientation day, I started out kind of lost but was directed to the CoLab and our IDS program which gave me direction and hope. With my health struggles, there’s certainly been a lot… Read more »