CoLab Student Affiliate Orientation

Participants will get onboarded into the CoLab’s web environments and learn the basics of staffing the office. Participants will also get a chance to set up their profiles on the Partner Prep website.

Participation Guide

Welcome to the CoLab! And welcome to CoLab Student Affiliates Partner Prep! The CoLab Student Affiliates (CoSA) Program empowers students at Plymouth State University to engage in and lead innovations in teaching and learning. Student Affiliates mentor and consult with faculty, staff, and students; develop themselves as peer leaders and mentors through practice and conversation; and participate in campus-wide discussions about the challenges of higher education. The purpose of the Partner Prep Program is two-fold. We want to help students orient themselves to some of the teaching/ learning approaches and values the CoLab supports, and we want to help students develop the mindset they need to engage in this work.

To start, though, we want to introduce ourselves and help you get oriented to the environments that we use in the CoLab so you can get started right away with doing work and communicating with the team.


"Working in the CoLab" Orientation

Learn about Staffing the Physical Office

  • From greeting visitors and answering the phone, to calling out of work and closing the office, there’s some stuff you need to know! Learn all about the protocols for Staffing the Physical Office
Learn about your Timecard and Set up Direct Deposit
"Partner Prep Website" Orientation
 Make a account
Activate Your Account on the Partner Prep Website 
  • In the main navigational menu the top right hand of the page, click on “Login/Sign Up.”
  • You already have an account associated with your PSU email. When you log in for the first time, reset your password (unless you have logged into our site before and know the password for your account).
  • If you don’t know the email associated with your account, you can check with Hannah or Martha.
Additional Required Activities