This activity invites you to start by thinking of an extreme: the most restrictive, authoritarian course policies you can imagine. Then, we invite you to rethink and rewrite those policies.
DF Workbook Activity: #wronganswersonly
Include Students In Policy-Setting
Machiavelli vs My Dog
No talking during class unless called on by the Teacher. Nothing you have to say is more important than what I am saying. The classroom door will be locked at the start of class. If you are late, don’t bother showing up. The rest of us made it on time. All absences will be considered […]
Jekyll and Hyde (or Silver and Hyde in my case)
Rooted in Curiosity
Imagining a better classroom
A better classroom (online or in person) includes these habits.
Heavy Hand or Open Heart
-No late work, no excuses -No revisions, all work submitted is final -No opportunity for extra help-students should be able to figure work out at this point in their educational careers -No absences, no excuses -No group work or collaboration, the course will be lecture based
0.7 out of 5.0 on Rate My Professors
Confessions of a well-intentioned but misguided (and hopefully former) a**hole
Attendance Your presence is important not just for your own growth and understanding, but for your classmates and the professor. If you cannot attend class, please let me know as soon as possible. Excused absences are defined as absences stemming from (a) participation in University-sponsored activities, or (b) compelling and extenuating circumstances beyond a student’s […]