An emergent exploration of critical instructional design.

Current Author Module: Technology & Tools

Over the next two weeks…

I’d like to learn some new ideas for integrating technology into my class, specifically in ways that make my class more inclusive. Technology can provide opportunities to engage students in different ways and I want to become more comfortable with introducing more of this. I tend to lean on the same things (trying to using […]

Learning Tech-Co-nect

Learning Tech-Co-nect

This dream tool is like a Transformers of bygone days. LMS, DVR, back channel, active game module, polling tool- all the tools in one place. Students would access all the applications from one platform. Class could synch with the DVR for CC. Back channel for people that don’t want to say something in class and […]

My Dream Tech

My Dream Tech

A couple of things come to mind: 1) The perfect plagiarism checker. Now that we have bots that write like humans (scary!), I want a technology that can tell me absolutely for sure that a student didn’t procure a bit of writing from the internet. I had a high school student last semester use the […]

Self ascribed techno-curmudgeon

I waited to post my goal for these two weeks until I was able to engage with some of the materials and see how others are approaching things. I think my main goal is to see if I can fall back in love (or like) with technologies and their use in and around the classroom. […]

Pop-Up Video

Pop-Up Video

I am not a history teacher who uses a ton of films (Hollywood or documentary or whaty have you) in my classroom, but on the occasion I do, there is often a desire to interrupt the movie with tidbits of facts or commentary. For example when I teach the Civil War, I use the 1989 […]

Technology goals

In thinking about the goal(s) I had for myself while participating in this module I have decided that validation of my current technology choices is something I want(ed) to have. After reading a few of the articles as well as others comments, annotations, postings I do feel that what I use in my courses is […]

Remote Teaching

Remote Teaching

It seems like a cop-out, but I would have to identify the remote teaching between March and May 2020 as the worst experience with technology. That was a tricky time for a whole bunch of reasons: 1) The pandemic was legitimately frightening due to the scope of the lockdowns, my perceptions of the poor national […]