An emergent exploration of critical instructional design.

Current Author Module: Care & Equity

A Mix of Flexible and Rigid

A Mix of Flexible and Rigid

I’m really struggling with technology tonight, so hopefully people are able to see this. Nothing seems to be working right, but I’m powering through. The only classes I’ve ever taught at PSU (with some minor exceptions) are First-Year Composition and Creating Arguments. I still teach Creating Arguments, although it’s now entirely online asynchronous when it […]

Toward Care and Equity In Education

I gained a sharper historical perspective on historically Black colleges and land grant universities from the article suggested for this week, depicting the progress and regression in the American history of race in higher education (Via: ‘The State Must Provide’ Is A Lesson On Inequality In Higher Ed, Past And Present: NPR). The segregation that […]

Confessions of a well-intentioned but misguided (and hopefully former) a**hole

Confessions of a well-intentioned but misguided (and hopefully former) a**hole

Attendance Your presence is important not just for your own growth and understanding, but for your classmates and the professor. If you cannot attend class, please let me know as soon as possible. Excused absences are defined as absences stemming from (a) participation in University-sponsored activities, or (b) compelling and extenuating circumstances beyond a student’s […]