An emergent exploration of critical instructional design.

Portfolio Part: Learning Tech-Co-nect

Workbook Page: Digital Submission


Learning Tech-Co-nect

Step One

Imagine suddenly you have the power to design the technology tool for teaching of your dreams, unrestricted by cost, achievability, skills, the laws of physics, etc. What is it? What are its features? How does it work? Describe your technology tool in as much detail as possible.

This dream tool is like a Transformers of bygone days. LMS, DVR, back channel, active game module, polling tool- all the tools in one place. Students would access all the applications from one platform. Class could synch with the DVR for CC. Back channel for people that don’t want to say something in class and still are interacting. Students could create images, games, share questions- the options are endless.
I think of all the tools we had prior to cell phones. I imagine this tool as a conglomerate just like the cell phone. It could be accessed from a cell phone or tablet not just a computer. No paywalls. Assess to videos, activities, practice questions without additional costs.
I envision it like a tree on the screen. Each limb has a designation such as visualization, audio, activities, LMS, etc.; where it is instinctual for the learner with less than three clicks to arrive to desired area.

Step Two

Next, create some kind of visual representation of the tool, its interface, it being used, etc. Upload your image below.

Step Three

Now, based on the tool that you designed, consider: What instructional problem does it solve? What NEW problems might it present? Who does it include and who does it leave out? What does this tool tell us about you and your values? Consider these questions from the student perspective. What might their response to your dream tool be?

Solves inter-connectibility, accessibility, equitability in/out of classroom, ease of use. When it doesn’t work, there are many concerns. Lack of access, ability to use the tools, need to pivot in the classroom. It may leave out those that prefer no-low technology. It helps future nurses to prepare for the advanced digital interoperability in facilities. It is a challenge to mimic this at school and sometimes students do not have full access while at the facilities. I think some students would like this, others may not. It would be most important to be an active builder with the students to see what they need/what would work.
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