An emergent exploration of critical instructional design.

Kate T.

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Workbook Page

Beyond my Control…

Written Reflection

Functionality and Ethics in Tech used in classes

Recent Comments by Kate T.

  • I would talk/be in touch with colleagues to find out if they have experience with the tech being... More >>
    Comment on: You’ve discovered that your institution is interested in adopting a new technology tool for facilitating online classroom discussion and considering “requiring” all classes that have some kind of online component to use it, so that students only need to learn one thing. What kind of research would you do to inform yourself about this decision? How do you think you would respond and advocate for your position?
    Posted on: 02/23/2024
  • I always question whether it will help students to achieve the course outcomes and whether the... More >>
    Comment on: When you’re deciding about using new technology in a class you’re teaching, what do you take into consideration?
    Posted on: 02/23/2024
  • I'm a professor of communication at KSC affiliate faculty in English and also the Director of the... More >>
    Comment on: Tell about yourself in a few sentences! Who are you and why are you here? (Tech & Tools, Spring 2024))
    Posted on: 02/23/2024
  • Yes, I've used jamboards and padlet activities in my tutor training and classes and I agree that the... More >>
    Comment on: Identify and describe a time when learning about and incorporating a new technology showed you a new way of teaching something.
    Posted on: 02/23/2024

Latest Annotations from Kate T.

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Stop Five: Exploring Your Portfolio

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