An emergent exploration of critical instructional design.

Julie Fagan

Completed Modules:
Current Module:


Written Reflection

Reflecting Forward

Workbook Page

Dream Technology for Nursing Education

Workbook Page

Trouble with Technology

Written Reflection

Creating Fun in Teaching and Technology

Recent Comments by Julie Fagan

  • That would be SO much fun! The Nursing students love Kahoot, and I think many learners would enjoy... More >>
    Comment on: ISeeU: Engagement & Help at Your Level
    Posted on: 02/22/2024
  • In an ideal world, I would play with the tool to understand its strengths and limitations. I would... More >>
    Comment on: You’ve discovered that your institution is interested in adopting a new technology tool for facilitating online classroom discussion and considering “requiring” all classes that have some kind of online component to use it, so that students only need to learn one thing. What kind of research would you do to inform yourself about this decision? How do you think you would respond and advocate for your position?
    Posted on: 02/22/2024
  • I am hoping that the writing assignments in my classes do not lend themselves to use of AI: journal... More >>
    Comment on: There’s been lots of attention lately to the access of artificial intelligence tools to students. What has been your experience with these tools? How do you plan on addressing or incorporating them into your own teaching?
    Posted on: 02/20/2024
  • I think I would invite students to try out the various tech tools and recommend the ones they want... More >>
    Comment on: You’ve inherited a class from a departing colleague who used quite a number of external technology tools as part of the course design. You’re not terribly familiar with all of them, and you know from speaking to the former instructor that students were also new to using most of them. How do you approach teaching the class, considering the technology use, and orienting your students to any design choices you make that involve the use of tech?
    Posted on: 02/19/2024

Latest Annotations from Julie Fagan

  • You have so much experience in an area of teaching that stymies me. I need to find some time to meet... More >>
    Annotation on: Teaching as Wayfinding
    Posted by: jmfagan
    Posted on: 02/22/2024
  • I think having IT support that also understands pedagogy would be very helpful. I feel like we used... More >>
    Annotation on: Learning Environments: Where Space, Technology, and Culture Converge
    Posted by: jmfagan
    Posted on: 02/20/2024
  • I wish there were a way for nursing students at PSU to actually have these kinds of connections to... More >>
    Annotation on: Microsoft Word - Digital Literacy Strategic Brief II_with copy edits.docx
    Posted by: jmfagan
    Posted on: 02/19/2024
  • Just because it is digitally available does not mean that everybody can access it equally! Covid... More >>
    Annotation on: Microsoft Word - Digital Literacy Strategic Brief II_with copy edits.docx
    Posted by: jmfagan
    Posted on: 02/19/2024
  • I think Law 5 is especially important. As with any other format that organizes information, content... More >>
    Annotation on: Microsoft Word - Digital Literacy Strategic Brief II_with copy edits.docx
    Posted by: jmfagan
    Posted on: 02/19/2024

Latest Question from Julie Fagan

Stop Five: Exploring Your Portfolio

This page is your personal workspace in Design Forward. Whenever you complete an activity in a module, it will be posted here. In addition, you can add portfolio items at any time. At the bottom of the page, you will see a gray bar with options to add images, files, videos, text reflections, or workbook pages. 

On the right, you will see your most recent comments and annotations as well as any questions you’ve asked. 

Your portfolio lives outside of any individual module — it is available across your entire Design Forward experience. If you click on the Participants link  you will be able to see everyone else participating in a module and visit their portfolios. They can visit yours as well. 

Take some time to explore the options in your portfolio; you don’t need to add anything at this time. When you’re done click the “Back to the Map” button.

At the end of this stop in the Orientation journey, you will have