An emergent exploration of critical instructional design.


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Recent Comments by Jenny

  • But, if embarrassing myself is destined to happen, (glass half full here) then a life lesson it... More >>
    Comment on: When you’re deciding about using new technology in a class you’re teaching, what do you take into consideration?
    Posted on: 02/22/2024
  • Great questions Carroll! I guess it depends who you ask and and how you frame the question. I think... More >>
    Comment on: When you’re deciding about using new technology in a class you’re teaching, what do you take into consideration?
    Posted on: 02/22/2024
  • I think your approach matters Misty! Knowing someone's name builds community and is a signal of... More >>
    Comment on: What steps do you take to get to know your students as whole people?
    Posted on: 02/12/2024
  • Sifting often reveals gems and leads to aha moments. Glad you are here Caroll!... More >>
    Comment on: This is a “practice” question for Orientation: What is one thing you would do if you knew you could not fail at it?
    Posted on: 02/12/2024

Latest Annotations from Jenny

  • 100% :)... More >>
    Annotation on: Microsoft Word - Digital Literacy Strategic Brief II_with copy edits.docx
    Posted by: jdarrow
    Posted on: 02/23/2024
  • I question whether all institutions actually believe students have interlllectual property.... More >>
    Annotation on: How To Quit — Assist Stories — Medium
    Posted by: jdarrow
    Posted on: 02/20/2024
  • Here at KSC, there was a push to use SmartBoards, especially in our Education program. One of hte... More >>
    Annotation on: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions: On Technology, Games-Based Learning, and Erasure
    Posted by: jdarrow
    Posted on: 02/20/2024
  • ...and his work was on the forefront of what we are experiencing now (only his ideas were better and... More >>
    Annotation on: Technology 101: What Do We Need To Know About The Future We’re Creating?
    Posted by: jdarrow
    Posted on: 02/20/2024
  • It's interesting to reflect on the design of the high school I attended. It was built in the early... More >>
    Annotation on: Learning Environments: Where Space, Technology, and Culture Converge
    Posted by: jdarrow
    Posted on: 02/15/2024

Latest Question from Jenny

Stop Five: Exploring Your Portfolio

This page is your personal workspace in Design Forward. Whenever you complete an activity in a module, it will be posted here. In addition, you can add portfolio items at any time. At the bottom of the page, you will see a gray bar with options to add images, files, videos, text reflections, or workbook pages. 

On the right, you will see your most recent comments and annotations as well as any questions you’ve asked. 

Your portfolio lives outside of any individual module — it is available across your entire Design Forward experience. If you click on the Participants link  you will be able to see everyone else participating in a module and visit their portfolios. They can visit yours as well. 

Take some time to explore the options in your portfolio; you don’t need to add anything at this time. When you’re done click the “Back to the Map” button.

At the end of this stop in the Orientation journey, you will have