Portfolio Part: I hate students mahaha

Workbook Page: Digital Submission


I hate students mahaha

In the space below, brainstorm the MOST restrictive, oppressive course policies you can imagine. You can choose to frame these around a course you teach, or you can just come up with a list that could apply to any courses. Be as heavy-handed and authoritarian as you like; it’s okay if the rules you write make you uncomfortable.

Oppressive Course Policies

No ate work ever Come to class sick, I won’t give you information You can never miss Attendance is taken every class as a grade You can’t take a mental health day Don’t email me

Oppressive Course Policies Reflection

I think some of these actually feel personal because it feels like turning in work late is the end of the world. Professors also make it sound like they rather have you dying in class then just stay home and rest. Attendance just shouldn’t be a thing, if I want to go I will if I don’t it doesn’t effect you.

Referring back to the rules you wrote, now write the OPPOSITE of each of them in the space below. Reframe each rule by imagining what it would be if you tried to completely counteract its purpose.

Rewritten Course Policies

If you are sick, please do not come to class. I understand things come up so please just communicate with me. If you miss a test/exam I will need some documentation for equality purposes. If you are struggling, I want to help, just talk to me. Attendance is not mandatory, but it will be hard to keep up without coming to class.

Rewritten Course Policies Reflection

It isn’t hard to be considerate. If I don’t feel well or need to take a day for my own wellbeing, just let me. It doesn’t hurt you but in the long run, it might hurt me.

Reflect upon the experience of writing both sets. How did writing these rules make you feel? How were the two experiences different? In your own courses, are your policies more like one set or the other? Put yourself in the shoes of a student again, and re-read the rules. How do they feel now?

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