Portfolio Part: Choose your own – Jellybeans by Kelsey Donnelly

Written Reflection

How does this article inform your future work in the CoLab?

  • This inform my future work in the colab by knowing that not just the students not know what to do… The article talks about how they feel anxiety and they’re conflicted, which is interesting. It’s nice, without it really being nice, to know that it’s not just the students that feel these things.

What questions do the article inspire? Can you provide a different perspective?

  • The questions that this article inspires is that is all of the subjects you take need this. I feel like the answer is yes and no, because I feel like some math classes doesn’t need it but then some others do.

Overall, i think the article/poem was good. I honestly only picked it because it was titled Jellybeans. It was interesting to me.

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