Instructional Delivery
“Instructional delivery” is about how we “deliver” the content of our courses to our students. Most of us are aware of the skepticism that has
An emergent exploration of critical instructional design.
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“Instructional delivery” is about how we “deliver” the content of our courses to our students. Most of us are aware of the skepticism that has
Feedback is distinct from grading, since we are not just evaluating work, but also encouraging future learning. For that reason, feedback is directly linked to
Learning outcomes are often linked to assessment, including program and institutional assessment. But learning outcomes can also be powerful ways to open conversations with students
“Support” is a word that is sometimes considered teaching-adjacent, rather than central to course design and pedagogy. For example, academic support centers and support services
Everyone wants to feel that they belong somewhere. At PSU, we have named our General Education program HoME, not just to stress the Habits of
Common sense tells us that students will engage more deeply if they see how their coursework is relevant to their lives. We know that students
In 2021 more than 80% of students reported that emotional or mental health difficulties hurt their academic performance one or more days in the previous
TWP has six learning outcomes. Read more about each one. Understand the importance of the General Education Habits of Mind to your success both during
TWP is the first encounter that our students have with Cluster Learning. Learn more about the three facets of Cluster Learning, and take a deeper
Some TWP instructors find that the concept of “Design Thinking” is a useful one to understand and utilize as they plan and teach the course.