An emergent exploration of critical instructional design.

DF Workbook Activity: Free Writing: Tech Nightmare

Unintended negative impact

Unintended negative impact

As I make intentional decisions about the inclusion or exclusion of digital technologies, I find myself becoming increasingly concerned about the possible negative side-effects that may accompany extensive immersion with digital technology. It is all too easy to only consider the couple hours my students are exposed to technology in my classroom, but when I […]

Mind Mapping Chaos

Mind Mapping Chaos

One of my first experiences as a tech-loving returning student back in 2010 comes to mind, yet before I even begin I realize this isn’t about the technology failing me. It’s about the lack of thoughtful consideration that went into everything else around it! The activity asked us to use Mind Tools to collaborate and […]

Unexpected Toilet Talk

Unexpected Toilet Talk

When I taught a small class about a year ago, we had lengthy discussions on the subject of building healthy habits. I spoke to my class about the forming of tiny habits and decided on using a video where gentleman spoke about the formation of tiny habits by pairing it with an existing, every day […]

Oopsy, should have tried it out myself first

Oopsy, should have tried it out myself first

Probably my most memorable time having a technology fail during class was using someone else’s lesson plan without a trial run beforehand. There was an amazing documentary series from PBS that had a teaching resources website full of class activities. One activity was designed to get students to understand more about global health challenges related […]

Beyond my Control…

Beyond my Control…

My dad was an electronic engineer, testing out new technological innovations and often seeing failure before seeing any successes. As a kid, I got to see prototypes of tech that we now think of as obsolete–CD players, Laserdiscs for movies, early HD TV beginnings (those TVs were huge). While it was exciting to see tech […]