Portfolio Type: Written Reflection

Final Reflection

I was really happy to read a part of this book. I read a lot about how we grow from here and how to make things more accessible to all at PSU. At the CoLab I want to see maybe where the issues are and hopefully help. I just want students to know they are […]

Final Reflection

I honestly found everything very interesting. Every reading, activity, and question was right up my alley and had me fully engaged. I discovered how passionate I am about teaching and development of educational settings. I would love to continue to learn more about pedagogy and be able to put into action the things I learn. […]

Final Reflection

What did you learn that was new or surprising? What I learned that was new or surprising was the article about the girl that has cancer and was not getting the help she needed. I wouldn’t really say it was surprising because based off personal experiences, some people are not as accommodating. It was just new, […]