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Testing Elevator Pitch
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CoLab Elevator Pitch
The CoLab’s mission is to facilitate and inspire the collaboration of PSU faculty, staff, and students to create accessible, inclusive and community centered learning environments, that combine progressive pedagogy and innovative teaching methods to transform and reform PSU’s learning/teaching traditions and culture.
Convincing Business Man
“Are you a professor, perhaps? I imagine you like taking a learner-centered approach, something an organization like the CoLab could help you do… …oh, I see, I apologize! So you’re a student? Well, you don’t look a day over 35! Well, anyways, are there things that you want to study that just aren’t offered by […]
CoLab Elevator Pitch
The Open Learning & Teaching Collaborative (Open CoLab) at Plymouth State University is dedicated to improving education and helping teachers and staff create better learning environments. We focus on making sure that teaching is centered around the needs of students and that everyone involved in education—students, teachers, staff, and the community—works together and is valued. […]
Elevator Pitch
The CoLab’s goal is to create a learning environment that supports students, staff and faculty at Plymouth State University. Their mission is to provide and improve professional development and pedagogical approaches. They have a learner-centered approach where all members of a school are viewed as learners and teachers.