Weekly Dispatch: February 19, 2024

Each week, the Dispatch provides suggestions about what to focus your attention on. You may use it as a kind of weekly syllabus, with a suggested topic to explore, resource to read and annotate, questions to answer, and activities to complete. However, you should also feel free to deviate as you like from the suggestions; we want your participation in this module to reflect your own goals and interests.

We encourage you to choose at least one “engagement” a day:  join a conversation by responding to a question, complete an activity and share it in your portfolio, or choose a resource to read and annotate

Welcome to Week Two! This week, our focus will be on the intentional use of technology for teaching and learning. As always, while we’ve proposed a possible path through the week’s materials below, feel free to explore alternative routes if they align better with your objectives.

Keep in mind that the module ends this week, so try to stay consistently engaged so you get the most out of your participation. Early next week, we will be in touch with an opportunity for you to reflect on your participation and the chance to share any feedback you have for us. As always, feel free to connect if any questions arise!

Topic in Focus

This week’s topic takes a closer look at how we can make sure we are being intentional when we choose the technology we teach with. Take some time this week to really think about your use of (or avoidance of) technology.

Suggested Resources

One of our suggested Group readings this work (Wagner & Dobbin) will help lay a bit of a groundwork for thinking about tech-enabled learning environments while the NMC piece offers a deep dive into digital literacy. Finally, I’ve included a Choice reading from Howard Rheingold, one of my favorite writers and thinkers about digital pedagogy. His opening quote aligns wonderfully with the theme this week of thinking with intention about our use of technology:

Are we awake to the world we’re building, or are we, as an old Sufi saying goes, merely asleep in life’s waiting room?

As always, focus on the readings that are most related to your needs and interests, and feel free to wander away from these suggestions.

Suggested Questions

We’ve seeded the discussion with a few questions to get you thinking about the use of technology in your classrooms, but don’t forget you can always add your own questions to the mix!

Suggested Activities

We’re suggesting a few activities to help round out your participation in DF this week. Spend some time considering a really bad experience you’ve had with technology and then wrap up the module with some final reflections.

Final Reflection

Take a moment to reflect upon what you’ve learned or thought about during this module. Are there particular readings that resonated with you? Was there

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