- All PSU instructors are required to hold office hours for every course they teach.
- “Office Hours” are there fully for the benefit of students, and faculty should always be available during these times for your visit.
- There are many different reasons you might attend office hours: to clarify and ask questions about course content; to get advice on how to study; to ask questions about the syllabus, upcoming assignments, and due dates; to prepare for an upcoming assignment; to review an exam or a paper you wrote; to talk about grades; to explore areas of interest that you share with your professor; to get career advice.
- It’s helpful to prepare a bit for a visit to Office Hours: clarify the purpose of your visit in your own mind; check your syllabus to find out where and when the Office Hours are held; if you are not free during the scheduled Office Hours, email the professor to set an alternative time to meet; prepare questions ahead of time; bring relevant course materials with you to the meeting (book, notes, laptop, whatever you need).
- If you can, visit Office Hours early in the semester BEFORE you get in too far over your head with any struggles you are facing!