The Plymouth 

The Brain Knows All

Do you have the book for my course?

Five Things to Know

  1. The library has some, but not all, of the books for your courses, so it’s always good to check. Ask at the front desk of the library.
  2. The library keeps these books behind the front desk in a special place called Reserves.
  3. These Reserve books can be checked out for a couple hours at a time so everyone can share them.
  4. Sometimes course books are available as ebooks that you can access from anywhere.
  5. All books for Directions courses are available through the library. You can tell a Directions course because its course number will include a “-DI”, for example, PYDI1030 or ARDI1250. We have books for some non-Directions courses too, just not all of them.

People Who Can Help

Lamson Info Desk,

First Floor of Lamson Library

A Deeper Dive

  1. Different books may have different check out periods. Most can be checked out for 2 hours, but some are for 4 hours or even a couple of days. You can always ask the front desk to renew a reserve book if you would like to keep it for another couple hours.
  2. Some professors put DVDs on Reserve that they want students to watch. There is also a DVD player with a USB connector on Reserve that you can check out.
  3. In some cases, the library provides access to an ebook version of your course book. Ebooks are not always found in the Reserve system, so try searching the book title in the regular library catalog. Once you have the book link, ebooks can be accessed from anywhere by using your myPlymouth login credentials.
  4. Sometimes the library does own the required book for your course, but it has not been moved to the Reserve shelf. To check this, search the title of the book in the library catalog. If you find it there, you may be able to keep it for the regular check out period, (4 weeks.)
  • Course Reserve Search At this page you can use the course number or instructor name to check if the library has your course books.
  • Library Catalog Didn’t find your book in the Reserve search? Double check whether the library has a copy in our regular collection by typing the book title into the library catalog search box at this link.
  • Reserves Survey Fill out the quick survey here to tell us how having your course book in the library was helpful. This feedback helps us advocate for this service.
This resource was last updated on January 10, 2023
Do you have the book for my course?
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