Individually students construct one question or prompt on a specific topic that they think text-generating AI can respond to successfully, and another prompt or question they think AI responds to unsuccessfully. In a larger group, students share their work to identify characteristics of prompts to which AI struggles to respond. Image: Midjourney “Predict –no person”
Item Type: In Class Assignment
Ask 20 Questions of AI
In small groups, students collaborate to write 20 questions for a text-generating AI about how it works. In a larger group, they consider what the AI’s responses mean for academic integrity, authority, validity, trust, or other important ideas in your course. Image: Midjourney “20 Questions”
Understanding Markov Chains
In this undergraduate assignment, students use a manually applied algorithm to generate a Markov Chain from a given short extract of language. Image: Midjourney “Markov Chains –no person”