Environmental Communications
Listed below is a collection of classes designed by a PSU Interdisciplinary Studies student. This collection of courses were approved in the past as a custom IDS major. This collection may serve as a template or starting point for future IDS students interested in a similar area of study. In addition to the custom major, every PSU student must also complete the core general education requirements.
Sample List of Contract Classes for
Environmental Communications
Required of all IDS Majors:
Prior to Fall 2021
IP2225: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies
IP4425: Senior Seminar in Interdisciplinary Studies
Since Fall 2021
IP2000: Foundations of Interdisciplinary Studies
IP2500: Cluster Learning Springboard
IP4500: Interdisciplinary Studies Senior Seminar
Since Fall 2024
IP2000: Foundations of Interdisciplinary Studies
IP2510: Lifelong Learning Lab
IP4500: Interdisciplinary Studies Senior Seminar
Approved Contract Courses:
BI3240: Conservation
BI4800: Current Environmental Issues
CM2915: Communication and Leadership
CM3095: Technical Communication
CM3515: Communications Media and Wellness
ESP1500: Introduction to Field Techniques
ESP2100: Introduction to Environmental Science and Policy I
ESP2110: Introduction to Environmental Science and Policy II
ESP3200: Energy and Society
ESP3325: Climate and Risk and Adaptation
MA2300: Statistics I