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Week 1: 1/22

Wednesday, January 22
  1. Introductions
    • Questionnaire (on Canvas)
    • Name Cards
    • Short Group Activity
  2. Info-dump: Course, Syllabus, and Schedule 
Homework due Monday:

Next class, we will be unpacking the meaning of the word “interdisciplinary” and work together to build an understanding of how an interdisciplinarian sees the world and tackles problems. In preparation for that, please complete the following assignment on Canvas:

Readings and Reflection: Interdisciplinarity (on Canvas)
Please read these articles and view the video:

1. After reading/viewing, discuss what you saw. (Some of the readings have advanced vocabulary. This is a good opportunity for learning. Look up the meanings of words you don’t know. Ones that seem important, please share here in the discussion to help each other learn!)

2. After you feel like you’ve gotten what you can get from the discussion, pick one passage from one of the readings that interested you and write 2-3 paragraphs about what you found interesting/provocative/problematic/confusing. Add that here in the discussion forum here as well.

To get full credit for this assignment, you need to do both parts!

Feel free to work ahead if you have time! (You might want to try the Explore a Major and Brainstorm a Major assignments on Canvas, which are due on Wednesday.)


Week 2: 1/27 & 1/29

Monday, Jan 27
  1. Group work and class discussion: Exploring and Defining Interdisciplinarity 
  2. Preparation for Wednesday Mentor Meetings & Expert Advice
  3. Work time
Homework due Wednesday, 1/29

At our next class, you will be meeting with your IDS mentor for the first time and you will be telling them all about the major you’d like to create! In preparation for that, please complete the following assignments:

  • Explore a Major (assignment on Canvas)
  • Brainstorm a Major (assignment on Canvas)

Wednesday, Jan 29 — Mentor Meetings
Snowday! See Instructions Below.

Snowday instructions:
Sorry for the late notice — I tried to make it in, but my road was terrible and my car did not feel safe, so I turned around.

Let’s try to stick as close as possible to the goals/assignments that were planned.

MOST IMPORTANT: Fill out the discipline code survey once you know what disciplines will be helpful for you to get information about at Expert Advice Workshop. I need to start inviting faculty to that, so I need to know whom to invite.

For information on discipline codes, see this document.

NEXT, try to access your IDS folder. (Link below.) You should have received an email with instructions about this, but you just need to click through the link, then click the link you see in the table, and it will open a folder for you. There are folders within the folder — go to the Foundations Drafts folder and you will find a contract sheet, planning guide sheet, and essay guidelines. You can start work on these right away! Play around with them, get familiar with how they are set up, and let us know if you encounter any problems.

Familiarize yourself with the application resources, particularly the information about creating your contract. Then start work on the contract in your Foundations Drafts folder.

To do:

  1. We will meet in our classroom and we will have our first Mentor Meeting. With your mentor you will discuss your goals and get oriented to the forms for the IDS Application.
  2. Access your IDS folder. (Bookmark this link!)
  3. Work on a draft of an IDS contract (see homework)
  4. By the end of your mentor meeting, please complete the Discipline Code Survey if you haven’t yet! I need this information in order to know who to invite for our Expert Advice Workshop
Homework due next week:

It may seem like it’s all going so fast, but for homework, you are going to be drafting the list of courses that will make up your major. Don’t feel like what you come up with now is written in stone — it will most likely change! You don’t need to know everything now, because part of the purpose of brainstorming is to see what obstacles and questions come up. Bring your questions next class!

  • Draft your IDS Contract
  • Once you have a contract drafted, it’s time to introduce your major. (Find this assignment on Canvas.) On Wednesday, you will workshop this piece of writing with your mentor.
  • Introduce Your Major (assignment on Canvas)

Week 3: 2/3 & 2/5

Monday, February 3
  1. Disciplines for Expert Advice
  2. Info-dump: How to read your Degree Works page
  3. We will discuss the purpose of the Program Statement Essay and the required components and read an example essay together.
  4. We will go through the Planning Guide document together and discuss how to refer to your Degree Works, how to find prerequisites/ when classes are offered, etc. 
  5. Discussing Expert Advice
    • Faculty experts will be joining us on Wednesday, September 18th. We are in the process of inviting them now. Please review our list of experts and let Matt know by the end of class today if changes need to be made to the list of experts (if you need additional advice or no longer need certain disciplinary advice, for example). 
    • Please plan to be present for expert advice. A requirement of the class/ the IDS application is to get expert advice and describe what was said to you. If you aren’t present for expert advice, you will need to set up individual meeting(s) with faculty.
  6.  Brainstorming expert advice questions together
  7. Work time

Wednesday, Feb 5 – Mentor Meeting 

You will meet with your mentors (they will let you know when and where), review your IDS application materials, “Introduce Your Major” assignment, and questions you have for expert advice.

Homework due Weds.:

We have quite a few assignments due on Wednesday so that you can go over them with your mentor. Make sure to complete the following by class time on Wednesday Sept 11th:

  • Complete Draft your IDS Contract
  • Complete Introduce Your Major
  • Review guidelines for Planning Guide and Essay. If there’s work you can start on these, do it! (Your future self will thank you!)
Homework due next week:
Prepare for Expert Advice:
  • Get your contract draft as far as you can take it on your own.
  • Research prerequisites for any of the courses (“junior status”, “majors only”, specific courses, etc.) and add them to your Planning Guide.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Expert Advice section of the program essay worksheet in your IDS folder. Fill in anything you can now, but most of it will be done after Expert Advice.

Start the Explain Your Courses Assignment (on Canvas).

Continue work on your other IDS application materials. The farther you can get everything on your own, the more you will get out of Expert Advice Workshops!

Week 4: 2/10 & 2/12


Mark this day in your calendar!

Sessions will be in the CoLab (Lamson 003) at 8.30am and 5:15pm. Snacks and drinks will be provided!

Schedule for Expert Advice sessions

  • Please add your initials to the “Student RSVPs” column so we will know that you are attending!
Wednesday, Feb. 12 — NO CLASS (SKI DAY)
Homework due next week:

For homework, you are going to be writing a paragraph where you describe the advice you received during Expert Advice and you are going to start explaining the courses that are in your IDS contract.

    • Continue working on Explain Your Courses Assignment
    • Write Expert Advice Explanation (on Canvas)

Week 5: 2/17 & 2/19

Monday, Feb. 17 — Mentor Groups
Your mentor will contact you about when and where to meet. The primary purpose of today is to debrief after the Expert Advice sessions.

If you didn’t make it to Expert Advice, you will need to connect with at least one faculty member to talk with about your program.


Wednesday, Feb. 19

  1. We will review the guidelines for the contract, planning guide, and essay.
  2. Individual meetings to check in on progress.
  3. For your info:
    1. Review the guidelines for the contract, essay, and planning guide.
    2. Look at sample essay introductions
Homework due Weds.:

Work on your materials! Get as far as you can on your own. We will talk about the program statement essay in class on Wednesday, but it’s helpful if you’ve already taken a look at the guidelines and sample essays on the IDS website.

Homework due next week:
It’s about that time where you should be about done with your IDS contract and Program Statement Essay. If you aren’t finished yet, continue finalizing these documents in your IDS application folder. Soon, we will begin work on the Planning Guide.

Week 6: 2/24 & 2/26

Monday, Feb. 24 — Class starts at 8:45am!


  1. It’s time to submit your completed IDS application! To submit your IDS application:
    1. Make sure everything is complete and up to date in your Foundations Drafts folder.
    2. email with the subject “IDS Application Complete” and a sentence in the body saying that your Foundations folder is complete.

      That’s it!

  2. We will talk about the final assignment due for the class.

Homework due next week:

You have finished your IDS application! Your final assignment of the class is to reflect on your experience. What was the experience like of creating your own major? What skills did you practice? What does it mean to you to be interdisciplinary? 

  • Final Reflection

Week 7: 3/3 & 3/5

Monday, March 3 – Class Starts at 8:45!

Current Interdisciplinary Studies student panel: advice and encouragement from current majors

Wednesday, March 5 — Meet in Lamson 003 (the CoLab) at 8:15am!

If your application materials have been submitted and accepted by the office, you are done and do not need to attend today.

All students who have yet to submit their IDS applications must attend this final class. We will be in the IDS Office (Lamson 003!)


Homework due Weds.:
  • Final Reflection due by the end of our last day of class. See Canvas for guidelines.