If you just want to brush up your database skills or would like an overview of what databases the library currently offers, make an appointment with a librarian and we would be happy to walk you through these.
Skill Term: Using Databases
Demo a Librarian Session
You may be more comfortable trying the activities above after viewing a librarian-run database session. In this case we would be happy to demo a session for you and debrief afterwards to make sure you feel prepared to cover the content. Alternatively you could have a librarian present for a session as a back up.
Thinking Critically About Google
Using 2 excerpts from articles about Google search results, students are encouraged to think about the differences between Google and library databases and how they may impact the research process. Steps Considerations
Tour of Google Results
Steps Have students search a word or phrase of your choosing in Google. Give them 3 minutes to look at the results page without clicking through to anything. Ask them to notice as many different kinds of content as they can, ask them how many different things they can do there. Considerations
Student Database Presentation
Steps Considerations
Look But Don’t Touch
This in class activity helps students slow down and notice the range of information and search tools in a database. Steps Considerations
Using Databases
Students are often unaware of the existence of search tools beyond their favorite search engine. They may be unfamiliar with the different content libraries and search capabilities that library databases provide.
Considerations You can also set up an appointment with Mike Davidson to discuss building your own quest set using Google Forms.
Is It True? Visualizing Certainty/Uncertainty
Steps Considerations
Civic Online Reasoning Curriculum
Review materials at the Civic Online Reasoning website to identify activities that fit the context of your course. (A free account is required to access the materials.) Materials can be used a la carte or worked through as a whole. Considerations