If students are struggling a lot with getting an entire long article, book, etc. completed, look for small victories. While ideally you want them to read and understand the entire text, focus instead on making sure each student reads/understands a section of the text during class. Build on that victory, helping students to understand that […]
Skill Term: Reading for College
Devote Classtime
Prepare for the Unprepared
Be Transparent
Familiarize Yourself
Make sure you understand the differences yourself and the terminology that this module is teaching students.
Introduce Reading Tools & Tactics
Focus on tactics and habits by introducing students to reading tools or tricks they can use. Steps Considerations
Reading through Annotation
Use an annotation tool like Hypothesis to structure reading assignments. Suggested Assignments There are lots of ideas online about how to use annotation for reading assignments. Here are a few to look at and explore: Considerations
Reading for Ideas
Have students complete a reading with a very focussed assignment: finding one passage/quote to share with the class. Steps NOTE: Tell students they can’t duplicate anyone else’s quote, so there is incentive to do this early. Follow-up Assignment Ideas Considerations Students often struggle with “an approach” to their reading. They sit down to read without […]
Reading Predictions
Work through a reading in pieces, first setting some expectations/predictions about the piece and revising as you go. Steps Follow-Up Assignment Ideas Considerations
Collaborative Close Reading
As a class, read and explore a short passage from a reading relevant to the course topic.