Source Examples

Short Assignment

In this activity, students explore the topic by finding sources from each category and sharing their findings.


  1. Provide students a checklist of formats to find.  If you want them to correspond to the Playlist of Explanatory Videos, use the list below.  But adding other formats might be useful in your context, (anthologies, podcasts, documentaries, etc.) 
    • academic journal article
    • news source
    • magazine article
    • non-fiction book
    • reference source
    • organizational website
  2. Direct student to keep a search log and write a reflection at the end about what search strategies worked best for each format.  Have students share this information out to the group or build a shared document so that they can benefit from each others’ strategies.  


  • Anticipate that students will have questions about whether the ebook they found counts as a book.  Remember that the way we’re using the word format, what matters is the purpose and the process.  All of these formats (except for the website) could be found in print or online.
