Design Forward

An emergent exploration of critical instructional design

Learning Outcomes

Hey! Guess What? You already know these!

One of the nice things about TWP and INCP is that when you are thinking about the learning outcomes for the course, you really just have to remember the Habits of Mind. As you know, Habits of Mind are a set of four usual ways of thinking or ways of engaging with the world, which equip students to succeed in their lives and work after college. As students take courses within the HoME program, they develop and practice the Habits of Mind in various meaningful contexts. Because INCP is the capstone of the HoME program, the Habits of Mind are also the learning outcomes for the course. Students are expected to have reached the summit level of achievement in each of the Habits of Mind by the end of this course.

In each INCP class, students will:

  • Communicate purposefully
  • Practice and employ problem-solving strategies
  • Recognize and integrate multiple perspectives
  • Regulate their own learning

Your job is to keep the course focused on these outcomes, help students notice when they are practicing and excelling at these skills, and make sure that their work on their signature projects is always in service of these Habits of Mind. Take a look at this short video from longtime INCP instructor Cathie LeBlanc, talking about how she keeps the Habits of Mind front and center in her INCP courses.

Workbook Question #3

Imagine your students are deeply engaged and working on their projects. How will you help them stay focused on the Habits of Mind without watering down their momentum on their projects or their enthusiasm for the real work they are doing in the world? Share an idea or activity that you might use to focus on one (or more) of the HoMs in the context of this project-based course.