Integrated Perspective is a habit of mind characterized by the recognition that individual beliefs, ideas, and values are influenced by personal experience as well as multiple contextual factors—cultural, historical political, etc.1 Plymouth State University. (2019). General Education Requirements. Retrieved from
Global Knowledge
Value, respect, and learn from diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, sexual orientations, and religions. The individual demonstrates; openness, inclusiveness, sensitivity, and the ability to interact respectfully with all people and understand individuals’ differences.2National Association for Colleges and Employers. (2019). Career Readiness Defined. Retrieved from
Leverage the strengths of others to achieve common goals, and use interpersonal skills to coach and develop others. The individual is able to assess and manage his/her emotions and those of others; use empathetic skills to guide and motivate; and organize, prioritize, and delegate work.3National Association for Colleges and Employers. (2019). Career Readiness Defined. Retrieved from
Effective leaders honor human dignity, value diversity, and offer respect to all those they encounter. In the article, Global Knowledge for A Learning Society, author, Magdalena Mo Ching Mok, explains the significance of global knowledge as outlined below. 4Mo Ching Mok, M. (1998). Global Knowledge for a Learning Society. ResearchGate, 25–50.
Global Knowledge consists of five unique yet connected domains:
- Technical and Economic – needed for a positive international competitiveness
- Human and Social – needed to encourage social corporation, international exchange and help promote the elimination of National/Regional/Racial/Gender Biases.
- Political – contributes to international understanding, common interest and coalitions that may lead to the elimination of international conflict and creation of world peace
- Cultural – necessary for the appreciation of cultural diversity and the acceptance of other cultures.
- Educational – needed for the development of globalized educations that foster educational exchange and cooperation.
Check out this Ted Talk by Dolly Chugh as she explains how we can battle our own unconscious bias with the use of the growth mindset of being “a good-ish” person rather than the fixed mindset of being a “good” person. For further reading, check out her book The Person YOU Mean to Be which gives a more in-depth and narrative account of various concepts culminating in a useful guide for becoming a better/good-ish person.
In the Person You Mean to Be Dr. Chugh explains that the only way to be on the right side of history is to be a “good-ish” person opposed to a good person. Good-ish people are always growing and learning. Through this book, Dr. Chugh discusses identifying your ordinary privilege to help identify the blind spots afforded to you by this privilege, such as race for white people, sexual orientation for straight people, among many more. Privilege dictates bias, and when we are unaware of our ordinary privilege we are unaware of our biases.
Keep in mind that this book or TedTalk aren’t the end all be all answers for being a better/good-ish person, but rather suggestions based on research and studies throughout psychology, sociology, economics, and multiple different disciplines. It is up to us to become the change we want to see and that begins with understanding our own biases and privilege.
Student clubs and organizations are held to high ethical standards at PSU, so that we can ensure the safety and wellbeing of students. Below is a summary of all leadership and operational requirements for student clubs and organizations.
What does a club/organization need for Leadership Requirements?
- Full Executive Board (EBoard):
- President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
- Must have four EBoard members, regardless of title
- Must have a minimum of two officers
All club/organization officers and members must hold a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
In order to be a recognized club/organization, you must:
- Go through Student Engagement Module
- Complete Presidents and Treasurers Checklist Items
- Attend President and Treasurers meeting
- Attend and have a table at annual Activities Fair
- Obtain an Advisor for their club/organization by October 1st (Fall Semester) or March 1st (Spring Semester).
Here at PSU, we honor individuals of all backgrounds as well as the unity that we share as human beings. We hold our student leaders to high ethical standards, as they represent the shared values of our institution.