Alcohol use: College Prevalance

0 %

of US college students have consumed alcohol in the past year (including all college students regardless of age)

0 %

of US college students have been drunk in the past year (including all college students, regardless of age)

Alcohol use: When to Worry

Binge drinking: a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08g/dl or above

  • Males: Five or more drinks in two hours
  • Females; Four or more drinks in two hours

Heavy drinking:

  • Binge drinking 5 or more days per month


  • Males: Consuming 5+ drinks on any day, or 15+ drinks per week
  • Females: Consuming 4+ drinks on any day, or 8+ drinks per week

Any time drinking is affecting other aspects of your life (school, work, family, friends)

How does alcohol affect college?

Poor Relationships with Faculty

Lower GPA

Sexual Assault

Accidents and Injuries

Other Substance Abuse