What is Resiliency?
Resiliency is the process of adapting well in the face of
- Adversity
- Trauma
- Tragedy
- Threats
- Significant sources of stress
Resiliency means “bouncing back” from difficult experiences.
Being Resilient
Being resilient is about how one maintains the ability to healthily cope with difficulty or distress, which is conducive to long-term well-being.
Anyone can be resilient:
- It is not a trait people either have or do not have.
- It involves behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be learned by anyone.
The road to resilience may involve considerable emotional distress. Major adversity or emotional distress is associated with
- Emotional Pain
- Sadness
10 Ways to Build Resilience
Make Connections
Family, Friends, Community
Avoid Seeing Crises As Insurmountable
You can change how you interpret and respond.
Look beyond the present into the future.
Accept That Change Is a Part of Living
Move toward your goals
Make plans based on the changes
Move Toward Your Goals
Set realistic goals
Do something regularly
Take Decisive Actions
That have been well thought out
Look for Opportunities for Self-Discovery
May grow as a results of struggle/loss
Opportunity for growth
Nurture a Positive View of Yourself
Develop confidence
Keep Things in Perspective
Try to consider stressful situations in a broader context
Maintain a Hopeful Outlook
Visualize what you want to happen instead of worrying
Take Care of Yourself
Sleep hygiene, healthy eating, exercise, meaningful activities