An emergent exploration of critical instructional design.

DF Workbook Activity: Dream Tech/Tool

The Map of my Dreams

The Map of my Dreams

I teach military history and much of my lectures focuses around the movements taking place during certain battles and campaigns. I dream of not only an animated battle map (as these exist on Youtube and the like), but one that reacts as I’m describing the battle (thus a real time feel) and operates in a […]

The “perfect” technology for my imperfect teaching

The “perfect” technology for my imperfect teaching

I am staying in the achievable realm here! This technology may exist! If anyone knows about it, please tell me! My “dream” technology is a way that I could project (just like a regular projector, but on any surface) directly from my phone and have a number of projections at the same time. Here is […]

Learning Tech-Co-nect

Learning Tech-Co-nect

This dream tool is like a Transformers of bygone days. LMS, DVR, back channel, active game module, polling tool- all the tools in one place. Students would access all the applications from one platform. Class could synch with the DVR for CC. Back channel for people that don’t want to say something in class and […]

My Dream Tech

My Dream Tech

A couple of things come to mind: 1) The perfect plagiarism checker. Now that we have bots that write like humans (scary!), I want a technology that can tell me absolutely for sure that a student didn’t procure a bit of writing from the internet. I had a high school student last semester use the […]

Pop-Up Video

Pop-Up Video

I am not a history teacher who uses a ton of films (Hollywood or documentary or whaty have you) in my classroom, but on the occasion I do, there is often a desire to interrupt the movie with tidbits of facts or commentary. For example when I teach the Civil War, I use the 1989 […]

Tech as love…

Tech as love…

I don’t know what this would look like, but a dream technology would be one that deepens and expands our capacity for love and meaningful connection. A technology that allows us to shed the stories of disintegration and disconnection that we tell ourselves. A technology that dissolves, in healthy ways, our sense of self and […]

Quick, Easy, Free Human Anatomy Atlas

Quick, Easy, Free Human Anatomy Atlas

Human Anatomy atlas that is free, easy to access from any device, and does not require logging in. There are several great tools out there (open access anatomy atlas textbooks, apps, etc.). All of these have limitations that you can’t easily access them from all devices, they require login, and/or the limitation of an ebook, […]

ISeeU: Engagement & Help at Your Level

ISeeU: Engagement & Help at Your Level

Seeing as though I’m just in the beginnings of teaching, I find myself having trouble, not with the talking to students, but engaging them, hearing from them, them steering the conversation, them guiding the class, but making it fun to learn. I also find that students have trouble asking for help, whether it’s the in-person […]