An emergent exploration of critical instructional design.

Current Author Module: Technology & Tools

Martha’s Got Baggage

Martha’s Got Baggage

I really love this prompt, and it was interesting to do it as a workbook activity. At first, I thought I’d have trouble identifying baggage for myself b/c, ahem, I’m an enlightened pedagogue. ?  But as I started to write, I came up with plenty to say: anxiety about my teaching being “enough” for students, […]


I teach an online asynchronous course, Creating Arguments. It’s a Creative Thought Direction gen ed with all levels, freshmen through seniors. For a long time, it seemed that students could ride a solid C in this class from beginning to end and not necessarily learn anything new about argument or rhetoric. Because it’s an online […]

My Goals

I am a lecturer by nature and practice, but especially outside of just classroom time I want to give my students more diversities in the tools available to them. Not everyone can flourish in the lecture environment, and I want to find ways for those students to share their talents and learn the material as […]

The Map of my Dreams

The Map of my Dreams

I teach military history and much of my lectures focuses around the movements taking place during certain battles and campaigns. I dream of not only an animated battle map (as these exist on Youtube and the like), but one that reacts as I’m describing the battle (thus a real time feel) and operates in a […]

Technology & Tools Goals

Goals beginning/finding the right tool/format/way of creating an OER Theatre History textbook as part of the Theatre History courses at PSU trying several tools to enhance or provide exciting digital alternatives to classroom discussion (I’ve tried padlet and jamboard in professional development settings–but I don’t feel comfortable enough with either to use them in class). […]

Sunlight, Stories and Song

As I am reflecting on these goals, I am sitting in the warm sun. It feels fabulous. Goals remind me of moving towards the sunlight. As you work on constructing/destructing/building steam towards fulfilling the goal, it is like the weather. Some goal movement for me feels like a fresh sunny day, other times it is […]


A pretty sincere goal I have is as an educator to network with other educators and get some comfort (haha) with my resistance to technology. Look, I embraced google classroom during covid, aren’t I all good for a decade or two?  Does anyone else feel that way? Another goal I have to is to investigate […]

More or less technology; definitely more genuine and authentic learning

I am hoping that this module will help me learn more about how to genuinely use technology to enhance learning rather than keep students busy. I am also looking for inclusive ways to engage all students, without overstepping or challenging their sensibilities. I redesigned my undergraduate class during the pandemic to include more Canvas work […]

The “perfect” technology for my imperfect teaching

The “perfect” technology for my imperfect teaching

I am staying in the achievable realm here! This technology may exist! If anyone knows about it, please tell me! My “dream” technology is a way that I could project (just like a regular projector, but on any surface) directly from my phone and have a number of projections at the same time. Here is […]