An emergent exploration of critical instructional design.

Current Author Module: Formats & Modalities


I hope to learn new ways of approaching online learning!  Looking forward to collaborations in this course!

Are we doing this?

This was a tough day to engage with this module – I just came out of a meeting where I was told that we will no longer be allowed to offer hybrid or a choice of modalities in the future.  I heard this secondhand, but it was stated as a directive coming from the new […]



This remnant of the last glacial period (I presume) found its home in what is my front yard in northern New Hampshire. Because of its size and specific location, it is a constant reminder of the challenges we face in higher education (and all education). The stone has taught me a few things about time, […]

For the Love of Books

Winters in the part of New Hampshire where I live can be isolating. This short musing was written during the month of February when I was thinking about the meaning-making that characterized my own education. As an English literature major, I was accustomed to imagining the landscapes, interiors, artifacts and symbolism of literature in interaction […]

Sirens’ Song

Sirens’ Song

This is an image we were asked to select from home during our Orientation Session for Design Forward. It is meaningful to me as a visual metaphor of the episode in Homer’s The Odyssey of Odysseus lashed to the mast of the ship so that he could listen to the Siren’s Song without being lured […]

My Goals for Design Forward

Although I am always looking to learn more about other’s pedagogy, my main goal with Design Forward is to learn new  teaching techniques. To explore better ways to engage students and meld technology with the in-person classroom.

Reflection on “Affordances and Possibilities”

Reflection on “Affordances and Possibilities” I wholeheartedly agree that all modalities have their benefits and shouldn’t compete but rather interact to produce something holistic, greater than the sum of its parts. Yet I currently feel that there is a disjuncture instead of the desired seamless connection between the synchronous online and in-person contexts.  The absence of […]