Page Categories: Question
What was your most profound experience as a student? What made it profound?
What do you wish you could tell all teachers?
Where have you seen some of the values and approaches that you’ve read about reflected in (or missing from) your learning?
What are some of the values and approaches that you’ve read about that you are drawn to as a CoLab Student Affiliate? Which ones are you interested in learning more about?
What are some of your goals as a CoLab Student Affiliate?
Where have you seen cluster learning in your classes? What was the experience like? What perspectives can you provide “on the other side” of cluster learning?
Teaching/ Learning Is A…
Get up and search around in the space you currently occupy for an object that represents teaching or learning to you. Take a picture of the object and write a short reflection about why it represents teaching or learning to you.
In this activity, you are going to begin by writing out the most restrictive, authoritarian course policies you can imagine (unfortunately, you might be inspired by personal experience in classrooms). Then, we invite you to rethink and rewrite those policies and reflect on the way that these revisions could help students.